Monday, 29 April 2013

One pound at a time

Hey all you other bloggers out there!
so I'm not really sure how to set this out or what to write, but I will figure it out. So, I'm on a weight loss journey and its scary, most days I think I'm in way over my head and how did I let it get this bad ?!? Okay so the whole point of this blog was to hopefully motivate others to take a weight loss journey and get healthy, after all isn't that why you're all reading this? I'll start off with all the nitty gritty details first. I am  female and I'm 21 years old, I don't actually know how much I way right now but last time I checked I was about 130kg (cringe!) which is about 286 lbs. and I am 175cm tall which 5''9. Yeah I am quite tall, hence the name Tall Stack in reference to pancakes. All up I want to get down to my pre pregnancy weight, which I don't know but it was around 60 kg which is about 134lbs. I have quite a long journey to go. If I work it out real quick all up I need to lose about 70kgs and 156 lbs. Holy crap!! that's a lot of weight! I need to stay motivated and on track! I know I can do it. The problem is I always start things but never finish them, but trust me this is one thing I am DETERMINED to finish and maintain til the day I die! 
But the aim of the game is to go slow and steady for a long lasting affect and just one pound at a time. a pound of fat is a lot of fat when you see it.

In all honesty, it's quite gross, but in reality when you look at it, what at home do you have that weight 70kgs? and I have been carrying that extra weight on me on my bones on my body, I'm amazed I'm still standing. I can do this and I will do this, if not for me then I will for my daughter!
I wonder how long this motivation will keep before I lose it again. ahahaha
okay well I'm off for now, see you next week !
Peace out cupcakes xoxo